taoist exercises - mirroring nature

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tree time chi kung - VRIJDAG LESSEN najaar 2024

in the Fermentation Kitchen

wanneer: vrijdagen 14.00-15.10 uur, 13 september t/m 20 december, behalve 1 november 2024
loctatie: Zuidelijke Vechtdijk, Dalfsen
bijdrage €180 voor 14 lessen
Het minimum aantal deelnemers is 5.
open les: Ja, dat is mogelijk op vrijdag 13 september. Breng een vriend of collega mee! bijdrage €15.

De wekelijkse chi kung lessen bestaan uit een evenwichtige combinatie van stille en dynamische oefeningen. Een combinatie van acht stille chi kung houdingen (zhan zhuang) en acht brokaat strekkingen (ba duan jin). Verschillende aspecten van lichaam en geest, beweging en leefwereld worden in de lessen met elkaar in verband gebracht. Welkom in de wereld van speel - of beter gezegd, van Chi!

Intussen stilte en beweging, stabiliteit en verandering, open en dicht, uitwendige en interne beweging.
In de chi kung lessen wordt je meegenomen in simpele taoïstische oefeningen, die echter diepgang hebben. Als deelnemer belichaam je de natuurlijke processen. Je wordt aangemoedigd om wat je de tijdens de lessen leert, in je dagelijks leven te integreren. De lessen zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle niveaus.


Our bodies
had evolved with it’s environment: the geography of the soil and rock, the water, the sun, seasons, stars, mountains, animals, plants and trees. Human bodies are meant to both be raised and reflect the outer world. To know it by heart. However, humans have grown too restless and detached from nature. Modern life calls, more than often, for speed and action.We have forgotten our familiarity with the stillness of a tree, plant or a lake. Nature turned into something outside ourselves. However this ancient belonging is food for the life force in our bodies. And we long for it.

With Tree Time chi kung we want to bond our bodies back into natural forces. By way of Taoist exercises, composed by still poses, slow movement and philosophy, we practice mirroring the changing processes of nature: in the physical and more-than-phyisical dimensions.

In Tree Time, trees and plants are our teachers. Recognition and connection with the Earth include also the differences between us and the surrounding green life. We practice to integrate principles such as of effortless action, the interplay between opposites, simplicity and emptiness.
With standing still we discover how to move without effort. With slowing down we cultivate more effective, supportive and resilient ways in responding to challenges.

Exercises are simple and accessible to everyone and everywhere. They consist mainly on zhan zhuang (still chi kung) and ba duan jin (8 pieces of the brocade)

When we experience uprightness, the aliveness in stillness and spontaneous processes, something fundamental happens. More vitality and sides of life are revealed. And the usual divide between us and nature begins to change.

Because this practice evokes exactly these inquiries: Do I dare to stand? Do I dare to keep my head up, rise and be seen in life? Do I dare to stay present with whatever is? Do I dare to feel connected with nature, life, other people, myself? We are just like the trees, standing tall with our roots into the ground and branches growing into all directions. Exploring and expanding in life while staying grounded and connected to all. We might not always feel this, but we long for it. Chi Kung is an embodied exploration into these inquiries. And in my experience absolutely transformational.
Chloe Monteiro, founder of De Meditatietuin, shiatsu practitioner

Spending time in a forest among trees is always calming and refreshing. Combining that experience with Chi Kung allowed even more quietness and understanding of self; of being able to appreciate the world around us and to be grateful for the gifts presented to us. In return we had the opportunity to bond with and appreciate the earth we live on, the spirits that reside here and share the bounty of Heaven and Earth with us; to make a connection to something that is bigger than all of us and maybe in some small way be able to give back. The trees were truly amazing!! It was a powerful day with lovely people guided by a compassionate and talented lady. An experience I would recommend to anyone. Having prior knowledge of Tai Chi of Chi Kung is not needed...just an open mind and an open heart.
Linda Boggie, DVM, CVA, FAAVA, Boggie Veterinaire Acupunctuur