taoist exercises - mirroring nature


The weekly lessons consist on a careful craft between still and dynamic exercises. We adjust ourselves to the context present at the moment of practice (such as weather, seasonal changes, phase of life, place, transitions, etc) while maintaining a stable-yet-flexible frame of exercises: the eight still postures (zhan zhuang) and the 'eight pieces of brocade' (ba duan jin).

Apparently unrelated and many times conflicting with each other, we cultivate harmony between opposites: stillness and movement, stability and change, open and close, internal and external. What binds the two together, is play. Or better said, 'chi'.

During our chi kung lessons, you are guided through simple Taoist exercises, with deep effects in your body-energy-mind. I encourage you to integrate what you learn into your daily life - so that to better support your movements, posture and directions out-of-the lesson context.

for who? This course is open to everyone, independent of previous experience with chi kung.

dates: Mondays, 9.10-10.30 (CET) 9 September and 16 December 2024
fee: 15 lessons €180

location: Zoom Room

Please email me about your participation and interest. You participation is definite upon payment via bank transference to: NL64 TRIO 0198 3703 85 t.n.v. R. Jesus, o.v.v. Monday chi kung. After payment, I will send you all the necessary information for accessing the online chi kung weekly streaming and preparation details.

Every Sunday before our meeting, you will receive one email with some content and inspiration for the Monday lesson.